What We Do

Our Purpose

Creating Better Financial Outcomes

Since 1969 we have consistently improved the financial outcomes of our clients
by growing, protecting and transferring assets with the least amount of expense, taxation and risk.

Life Insurance Acquisition

High Net-Worth clients, Wall Street and large institutions understand what we have been saying for years – life insurance is one of the greatest financial instruments available. There is a reason that the richest Americans own over half of the tax-free investment gains built up in life insurance and that banks have over $150 Billion in cash value life insurance.

Today’s life insurance products can produce attractive, income- tax-free IRRs and provide
immediate liquidity to the policy-owner at the death of the insured(s). Life insurance can help reduce the volatility of a family’s net worth, while providing an important liquidity hedge for wealth transfer strategies that take time to mature, and help to prevent the forced sale of assets that might otherwise be required to fund estate tax liabilities at the death of an insured.

Our clients generally use life insurance to solve one or more of the following challenges:

Estate Tax Planning

Creating liquidity at the time estate taxes are due to avoid the forced sale of assets.

inheritance equalization

Fund specific inheritances to heirs otherwise not easily divisible – i.e. private business interests.

Business Continuity

Protect the business from the loss of a key person and/or fund a buy-sell plan amongst shareholders.

Hedging Tool

Using insurance to hedge other estate planning strategies that require time to be fully realized.

Asset and Tax Diversification

Using insurance as a guaranteed, tax-free fixed-income investment within a family’s intergenerational asset allocation.


Maximizing the effectiveness for funding charitable bequests.

Life Insurance Analysis

Insurance products are complex financial instruments, heavily impacted by interest rates and requiring proactive management.In conducting Life Insurance Analysis, we use our breadth of knowledge to objectively assess product pricing, design and adequacy of funding, often identifying newer products with superior features and/or cost savings. This powerful information enables the insured, their families and their advisors to determine whether they should pursue a different strategy to enhance or update the coverage provided by their insurance portfolio.

Our Analysis includes:

  • Assessment of current coverage details and costs
  • Review of current insurer’s financial strength
  • Identification of guarantees, or lack thereof
  • Review of current ownership and beneficiary designations relative to goals
  • Identification of income, estate or gift tax issues with respect to current laws and future funding requirements
  • Projected future premium obligations and requirements

The value of a Policy Analysis can be tremendous. We frequently identify:

  • Under or poorly-performing policies as compared to the current marketplace
  • Savings in annual premiums
  • Increased coverage for same premium outlay
  • Coverage with improved features/guarantees
  • Better products or product design relative to client’s goals and risk tolerance